Standar SEGY I/O
- Input and output files are in standar SEGY format.
- Interactive CMP coordinate calculator.
- Interactive exclusion of selected traces.
- Interactive surface velocity input.
- Surface velocities can be imported from an ascii file.
CRS parameters search
- Fast automatic VNMO calculation.
- Emergence angle, Knip and Kn calculation.
- 3 parameter local optimization.

Interactive aperture picking
- User can pick CMP and ZO apertures interactively and save the picks to a data base.
- Picks can be edited later or interpolated to extend them to all domain.

Interactive VNMO limits picking
- In order optimice the automatic VNMO search and avoid undesirable noise, i.e. multiples,
user can restric the NMO velocity search using the interactive VNMO limits picking utilitie.
- VNMO search is carried out inside the limits selected by user as time variant functions.

Impressive Plotting Capabilities
- Wiggle and Color display modes.
- Sort headers as desired.
- Create movies.
- Fast Fourier Transform.
- Direct conexion to the project data base to easy select input files.